I am imperfect...this year is full of good sh*t anyway

Image via (Pinterest)

Image via (Pinterest)

Here we are. I have a blog! I know, I know just like everyone else. It’s actually not my first blog rodeo. However, I am older and wiser and have a LOT more to say. I’m a mother, a lover, and I keep it REALLY honest. My honesty comes wrapped in love though (and some swearing). The deal with honesty is, it starts with me. So, first things first…I am sharing my 2019 intentions with you and I look forward to your thoughts. While I long to have a body like Jen Selter, I am still working on the interior over here; abs can happen next year.

This year, I have TWO meaningful intentions.

1.     I am MLM-free. MLM stands for multi-level marketing aka direct selling aka “Hey person I haven’t talked to in forever or never, I have an exciting opportunity!”. This one is harder than you think because 73.5% of direct sellers are female. I have had first-hand experience with an MLM and at some point will share it. I love to support friends which, is what made this decision so difficult. After doing some in-depth research of the MLM industry (it’s a rabbit hole) and listening to the podcast “The Dream”, I knew what had to be done no matter how much I’ve grown to love the products and the people selling them.

2.     I will not speak negatively about any other female publicly or privately. We have wildly different opinions or we just don’t get along? So what. We aren’t all going to be friends and that’s really OK. Seems simple until, enter: social media. Holy sh*t! People can be really bold behind a keyboard. I hate to admit that in the past, I’ve been a shameful participant. It’s too easy to get pulled in over a mutual annoyance/disapproval. I’m done though and I’m really grateful for forgiveness. It’s 2019 and females should be taking over the damn world by now! This starts with sticking together, no matter what. Men have been doing it since the beginning of time, and I’ve been taking notes. We may not want to sit next to each other but there’s still room at the table for EVERYONE. If you have time for any sort of female-to-female negativity, you’re only taking away from something that actually needs your time and energy.

What do you think? I can’t wait to hear from you. What are your intentions this year?

XO -Heidi

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