Posts in advice
I am Imperfect...but I gave birth anyway

When people refer to vaginal birth as “natural birth”, it’s annoying because there is nothing more natural than the act of birth in ALL of its forms. EVERY birth is natural. Cesarean birth is beautiful and gruesome too. Whether the baby is coming out of your vagina, your abdomen, in your home with no meds or in a hospital with all the drugs…your body still does all the work. Your body created and carried life, no matter which way you slice it (pun intended).

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I am imperfect...this year is full of good sh*t anyway

Here we are. I have a blog! I know, I know just like everyone else. It’s actually not my first blog rodeo. However, I am older and wiser and have a LOT more to say. I’m a mother, a lover, and I keep it REALLY honest. My honesty comes wrapped in love though (and some swearing). The deal with honesty is, it starts with me. So, first things first…I am sharing my 2019 intentions with you and I look forward to your thoughts. While I long to have a body like Jen Selter, I am still working on the interior over here; abs can happen next year.

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